CN-USA: 鹿鼎记直充 Direct Recharge 海外信用卡购买游戏卡游戏币,支持Visa,PayPal,Master等 Buy
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Instant Order provides service to instantly buy digital goods such as game cards, game gold/currency. We accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Google Checkout. You will get your order information immediately after payment. Also, you will receive order copy by email and will be provided log in information to view order at CN-USA order history. more

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《鹿鼎记》是搜狐畅游(NASDAQ:CYOU)历时四年,耗资8000万美金,由中、韩顶尖游戏人联合开发的大型3D幻想武侠网络游戏。游戏运用好莱坞标准3D动画引擎,首次实现网游领域的全程3D动画演绎。为了还原金庸最后的武侠世界,特别邀请仙剑系列导演监制游戏剧情,数十位明星配音原著角色。香港著名动作导演设计武术招式,全程真人动作捕捉。香港金像奖音乐大师领衔北美交响乐团倾力演奏,奉上超过260小时的电影级声光盛宴。同时,《鹿鼎记》还依托独创的全服务器数据交互技术,实现了不同服务器玩家自由交互的梦想,打造出真正没有服务器阻隔的无限世界。   《鹿鼎记》研发期间连续获得了游戏产业年会、CHINAJOY金翎奖、17173游戏风云榜、腾讯金鳞奖等多项最具重量级的最受期待网游大奖,被称为2011年3D网游的惊世之作。在游戏之外,《鹿鼎记》还将再次登上大银幕,以全明星阵容打造中国电影史上首部网游主题电影,在2011年暑期与网络游戏同步上市。   《鹿鼎记》采用卡通美术风格,角色清新可爱、场景精美别致,在游戏制作上精雕细琢,对游戏系统及原著
This is an automatic system to recharge your game account. It's completed normally within minutes but may take up to 24 hours. Please use the inquiry link in your order in case the recharge fails.Thanks!

Please make sure your account information is EXACTLY correct. We suggest you recharge small amount to test first. We are not responsible for loss due to wrong account input. Thanks!

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您无需预先注册Google或PayPal账户即可使用任何信用卡-Visa, Master等支付; 会员支付通过预先添加会员资金立刻完成支付。

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 About Instant Order Service

Payment Method:We support main credit card such as Visa, Master, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo,ECheck. You can choose your own currency to pay and no registration is required to order. Pay directly using any credit card.

Delivery Method: Your item information will be displayed on your computer screen instanlty after payment. And we will send the order to your payment email address (check your trash box too). Also, you can log in to view order history. You may need register using your payment email address.

Delivery Time: Your order is normally completed within minutes but may take up to 24 hours. Please use the inquiry link in your order email if you didn't receive in time.

We support PayPal and main credit cards such as Visa, Mster, American Express.

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Rosolve within 24 working hours.
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