100% Secure |
It's absolutely secure to order at CN-USA.com. Your credit card information will be highly encrypted to transfer and be processed by PayPal or Google checkout secure server. We will never share, publicate or sell any of your information necessary for processing orders. more |
Instant Order |
CN-USA.com provides service to instantly buy digital goods such as game cards, game gold/currency. We accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Google Checkout. You will get your order information immediately after payment. Also, you will receive order copy by email and will be provided log in information to view order at CN-USA order history. more |
数亿年前或更久远的时代,宇宙处于一片混沌之中。在这片混沌中没有风、火、水等现在魔法体系已知的元素,也没有光、土壤,或是任何可能形成生命的物质。在混沌中唯一存在的物质就是狂暴的能量——没有任何属性的狂暴能量。 没有人知道混沌持续了多久,但混沌的确孕育出了一个生命,这个宇宙的第一个生命。他秉承混沌而生,本应无悲无喜,但他却吸收了太多狂暴的能量,经常处于一种狂暴的状态中。
This is an automatic system to recharge your game account. It's completed normally within minutes but may take up to 24 hours. Please use the inquiry link in your order in case the recharge fails.Thanks!
Please make sure your account information is EXACTLY correct. We suggest you recharge small amount to test first. We are not responsible for loss due to wrong account input. Thanks!
Member Order information: |
Member Order Processing .....
蜀山新传online直充 |
Item Fee Information |
Item Instructions
Item Producer |
About Instant Order Service |
Payment Method: | We support main credit card such as Visa, Master, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo,ECheck.
You can choose your own currency to pay and no registration is required to order.
Pay directly using any credit card.
Delivery Method: |
Your item information will be displayed on your computer screen instanlty after payment.
And we will send the order to your payment email address (check your trash box too).
Also, you can log in CN-USA.com to view order history. You may need register using your payment email address.
Delivery Time: | Your order is normally completed within minutes but may take up to 24 hours. Please use the inquiry link in your order email if you didn't receive in time.
Item Service Guarantee |
Rosolve within 24 working hours. |
Customer Service |