100% Secure |
It's absolutely secure to order at CN-USA.com. Your credit card information will be highly encrypted to transfer and be processed by PayPal or Google checkout secure server. We will never share, publicate or sell any of your information necessary for processing orders. more |
Instant Order |
CN-USA.com provides service to instantly buy digital goods such as game cards, game gold/currency. We accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Google Checkout. You will get your order information immediately after payment. Also, you will receive order copy by email and will be provided log in information to view order at CN-USA order history. more |
完美国际 游戏币
Customer service is temporarily offline. We normaly process your order and notify you via email within 8 hours of completed payment.
Order Instruction |
Select Server -> Fill in Character name and contact information -> Select Payment Method ->Confirm order and Pay.
After your payment, please use the link in your order email to check your order status and ask questions.
Payment Instruction |
Pay with Credit Card:
| We support Visa, Master, PayPal, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo,ECheck.
You can either pay via PayPal or Google Checkout.
Pay with Member Fund: |
You can add fund to your money account and pay even faster and easier. Please click here for details.
Order Delivery: | Game golds are usually delivered to your mail box within 24 hours.
Customer Service |