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Help Center -> CN-USA News -> Thread: New Item File Function
New Item File Function
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2005 11:37 AM

Since digital goods include downloading files such as eBooks, manuals or music, movies etc, now supports instant file downloading service while protecting your file sources from revealing and unauthorized downloading.

You should associate your files to your items in the item detail page(Click more option to see this). When an order is generated for this item, the Robot will provide a downloading link to the buyer. This link will be active for a pre-set time period and downloadable times.

You can set the allowable downloading period and times while editing each file. You can use your existing file URL or upload your file to our server. Each user now has 1M free space for uploading. To manage your files, please click the submenu 'Files' under menu 'Selling' after logging in.


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