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Help Center -> Fees & Limits -> Thread: What is the maximum amount I can send with my PayPal account?
What is the maximum amount I can send with my PayPal account?
Last Updated: Dec 03, 2004 22:33 PM

For security reasons, you will not be able to use your PayPal account to send money until you have added a credit card. Once you have added a credit card to your PayPal account, your Sending Limit will be increased to $2,000.00 USD. This limit applies to all payments regardless of how the payment is funded or to whom the payment is sent. Once you send payments totaling $2,000.00 USD, you will no longer be able to send payments until you lift your Sending Limit by becoming a Verified Member of PayPal. You can view your Sending Limit from your account overview. To lift your Sending Limit, add and Confirm a bank account. Note: Some accounts are subject to a lower sending limit, determined by PayPal. These limits are subject to change and can be lifted by Confirming a bank account or by being otherwise Verified by PayPal. . Log in to your PayPal account Click the View Limits link next to the yellow Balance box (if there is not a View Limits link, your account has no Sending Limit) Your remaining sending limit is listed under the Sending Limit. heading


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